Splashed pebbles

Photo Blog | Surf & Turf in Puerto Vallarta

Nick Ulivieri | April 12, 2011
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This past March, my girlfriend and I took a much needed vacation to Puerto Vallarta.  We stayed at the Garza Blanca Resort which is about 20 minutes south of the downtown boardwalk (Malecon).  This place is unbelievable and I would definitely recommend it to anyone planning a trip to Mexico.  The rooms were great, the pool was beautiful, the food was delicious, and the beach can’t be beat.  Every room even has a hammock on the balcony!

When we booked the trip, the photographer in me was already trying to figure out what I’d need to bring.  I ended up lugging my D5000 with, 24-70 f/2.8, 70-200 f/2.8, and the 10-24 f/3.5-4.5 lenses.  Probably a lot of gear for vacation, but I couldn’t pass up the opportunity.  Plus, the feeling of missing a shot because I didn’t have a long enough lens was too much to bear.  I mean, if people bring a few books to read, I can bring a few extra lenses.  On vacation; one person’s “book by the pool” is another person’s camera

All of these photos are from in and around the Garza Blanca Resort grounds.  I spent many an hour exploring the beach, observing the waves, and a lot of time “stalking” the local birds to get these shots.  Not to mention one very late night waiting for the moon to set.  That was quite a unique event which I had never experienced before.  By the end of the trip I ended up with nearly 2,000 RAW images.   Once I got home and selected my favorites, 20 hours of processing later, I ended up with nearly 400 final images.   Now, who wants to sit through a slideshow?!  Kidding…